backtrack; Invasion of the body snatchers (1956)


One of my favourite movies of all time, despite the awkward title. The down-to-earth and low-budget execution works surprisingly well with the creepy and mindblowing story of individuality versus conformity.

In my book of humanity.

P.S. Fun for the whole family: Compare differences and similarities of thematic focus and handling – watch the original plus the remakes from 1978, 1993, and 2007. Interesting, and in many ways quite telling!

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2 Responses to backtrack; Invasion of the body snatchers (1956)

  1. SJHoneywell says:

    The original is still my favorite. It’s a story that works beautifully in black and white. If you’ve never read it, I highly recommend the book, too.

  2. I also like the original best, even if it might be part nostalgia.

    And I actually own the book, but haven’t read it yet. But I will, any year now…

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